Sigma Lambda Omega Chapter Fall 2024 Initiates
Destynee McMichael, Kara Sax, Jasmine Watkins, Erin Vance, Erika Rose, Elizabeth Davis, Janeeah Ford, Marti Mannings, Imani Elston, & Dr. Tracey Sylvester Garnett
Destynee McMichael, Kara Sax, Jasmine Watkins, Erin Vance, Erika Rose, Elizabeth Davis, Janeeah Ford, Marti Mannings, Imani Elston, & Dr. Tracey Sylvester Garnett
History of
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® was founded January 15, 1908 on the campus of Howard University in Washington, DC. Its' founders were among the fewer than 1,000 Blacks enrolled in higher education institutions in 1908 and the 25 women who received Bachelor of Arts degrees from Howard University between 1908 and 1911. Nine juniors and seniors constituted the initial group of founding members, with seven sophomores who were extended an invitation for membership without initiation. These visionaries comprised what are acknowledged as Alpha Kappa Alpha’s original 16 founders. Led by Ethel Hedgeman (Lyle), the nine Howard University students who formed Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority were the scholastic leaders of their classes. Each also had a special talent or gift which further enhanced the potential of this dynamic group which includes, Lucy Diggs-Slowe, the Valedictorian of Howard University's 1909 graduating class and the first Black woman to win a national title in any sport; the American Tennis Association national tournament in Baltimore,1917.
Since 1908, the Sorority has flourished into a globally-impactful organization with over 360,000 college-trained members bound by the bonds of sisterhood and empowered by a commitment to servant-leadership that is both domestic and international in its scope. As Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority has grown, it has maintained focus in two key arenas: the lifelong personal and professional development of its' members and galvanizing membership into an organization of respected influence and power which consistently remains at the forefront of effective advocacy and social change which results in equity and equality for all citizens of the world.
Learn more about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® at:
Since 1908, the Sorority has flourished into a globally-impactful organization with over 360,000 college-trained members bound by the bonds of sisterhood and empowered by a commitment to servant-leadership that is both domestic and international in its scope. As Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority has grown, it has maintained focus in two key arenas: the lifelong personal and professional development of its' members and galvanizing membership into an organization of respected influence and power which consistently remains at the forefront of effective advocacy and social change which results in equity and equality for all citizens of the world.
Learn more about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® at:
History of the Far Western Region

The Far Western Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® was established in 1921 and consists of chapters in nine states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington), which constitute the Sorority's largest geographic region. The natural beauty of these states run the gamut—from majestic snow-topped mountains and rolling hills, fertile green valleys, scenic vistas, magnificent sea coasts, enchanting painted deserts, exotic tropical islands and frozen natural glaciers to splendid mesas and plateaus, quaint towns, rambling ranches, historic mansions, bustling-cosmopolitan cities and everything in between—with the Pacific Ocean bordering all but four of them.
Learn more about the Far Western Region here.
Learn more about the Far Western Region here.
History of Sigma Lambda Omega Chapter

Chartered on April 7, 1990, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Sigma Lambda Omega Chapter, is a volunteer professional service organization that comprises women who use the special skills and expertise developed in their working life to design and implement a program of service that addresses a broad spectrum of issues and concerns within six key program initiatives: Empower Our Families, Build Our Economic Wealth, Enhance Our Environment, Advocate for Social Justice, Uplift Our Local Community, and through our foundation initiative Strengthen Our Sisterhood.