In the early 1960s, a non-violent protest took place in the small town of Albany, Georgia. A few Albany preachers, along with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others from the community devised new strategies for The Albany Movement, which preceded the march on Selma. My mother still remembers the day when Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others came to my grandparents ’ home to discuss support for the cause. My grandfather was a preacher.
Many African-American leaders, ministers, and students marched on behalf of desegregation and voting rights. My uncle, a student at the time, was among the protestors in Albany who were jailed for taking a stand for their beliefs in the tenets of equality for all citizens, including the right to vote.
It is the brave sacrifice of those who have gone before us that has afforded each of us the right and the privilege to vote. It would be a shame to take it for granted or waste it.
In 2022, your time will come again to make a difference. Throughout the country voter suppression is rampant and should we not prepare for 2022 our voices will not be heard on the national or local level.
VOTE! It’s a serious matter!
AKA’s L.E.A.D. Learn. Empower. Advocate. and Decide.
______ (2016).
1950s: MLKJr, Civil Rights Movements and SCLC (2015).